According to the witnesses baby talk will cease to exist in the new system, but can you imagine attending a wedding where the groom is 188, and the bride 765 years YOUNG?
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
According to the witnesses baby talk will cease to exist in the new system, but can you imagine attending a wedding where the groom is 188, and the bride 765 years YOUNG?
The Rebel.
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Sparky1...your cartoon was so funny, keep it up and " Outlaw" is out of a job:-)
The Rebel.
gee reading my earliest posts, i feel i arrived here needing a head transplant.
of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, but then again think about it, many of us come here with geoffrey jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.. so i looked back at my earlier posts, and i imagined the man i was who made them.
to be honest i hardly recognized him, i feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious now, however i i don't feel so clever nor do i have such a deep religious faith.. anyway, the thread was made because i have often read posters past threads in order to get to know them better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads, and i learnt i am glad i had the guts to make my earlier posts, but the person that made them is in the far distant past.
Gee reading my earliest posts, I feel I arrived here needing a head transplant. Of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, But then again think about it, many of us come here with Geoffrey Jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.
So I looked back at my earlier posts, and I imagined the man I "was" who made those posts.To be honest I hardly recognized him, I feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious person now. Maybe because I no longer feel so clever/ right, nor do I have such a deep religious faith?
Anyway, the thread was made because I have often read posters past threads in order to get to know the poster better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads.
Its wierd we post from the inner depths of our soul, and some of us talk about our loneliness, our addictions, our fears, our hopes, and we put ourselfs on the line with strangers. I think that takes great courage, and is to be respected, it's a quality I admire.
How do you guys feel about your past posts? Do you read them? Do you recognize the poster that wrote them? Would you have done things differently now? ect ect...
The Rebel
my son asked me 40 years ago.
should we be glad adam sinned?
because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.. any opinions?
ucantome " Would we exist if Adam and Eve didn't sin?
The Rebel:- How did Adan and Eve sin? The story is they were told not to eat fruit from a tree or they would die? They were given a choice. So they didn't disobay God. Instead they exercised a choice they were given by God. Therefore please explain what was the Sin?
The Rebel.
witnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
stuckinarut2 " Why are witnesses so stressed?
The Rebel:-
A) He/ she becomes sixty and they still believe in fairy-tales.
B) They become pensioners with crappy pensions.
C) Armageddon is like waiting for that last tooth to fall out.
D) As J.Ws love a scripture to back things up, ( 1 cor 1-3) "they are being fed spiritual milk..." and whilst everybody loves a bald baby, living in a congregation where everybody is so easily offended, and you are competing with everybody to be the most super-pious, is very babyish and stressful.
The Rebel.
why do people care so much about celebrities?
What about the humble mayflower? The poor thing only has 6 hours to live. As soon as they are born they're worried about old age. By the time they are 3 hours old they're really middle aged, and in another 3 hours they are gaga and then they die.
My point is, if a person has compassion for any death, surely this is better than being indifferent.
The Rebel.
i am seven months without bible bashing, without door-knocking, or standing by a trolley cart looking like a prat.
and i feel the real winners are the " lucky bastards" who haven't been told about jehvover.
furthermore they are spared super pious me telling them what they can and can't do.
Seven months with out reading the bible or watchtower material, that's good isn't it?
Now let me tell you why it's good. Because the Watchtower is not about a message of good news, and thinking the destruction of 99.9% of the population is good news is ludicrous because it's not good news. Infact it's cruel and vicious.
My new message of the good news is Religion is a dicey subject at the best of times, it's all about getting in to arguments. It's a sad thing when humun beings with the capacity to smile and laugh can get so hung up on religion. Think about it, how often did you see genuine smiles and laughter at the Kingdom Hall?
The Rebel.
3:1 then the word of the lord came to jonah a second time: 2 “go to the great city of nineveh and proclaim to it the message i give you.”3 jonah obeyed the word of the lord and went to nineveh.
now nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it.
4 jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “forty more days and nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 the ninevites believed god.
Imagine the scene, it's a lovely day outside and your thinking of taking the family out for a picnic. I would call that an idyllic way to spend the day wouldn't you? Now imagine suddenly there is a knock, knock on the bloody door. You know who it is? Honestly haven't you got better things to do than answer it? Why stop having a good time, to listern to an evil and nonsensical message from a cult? This is why it takes 100,ooo hours per conversion.
The Rebel.
i am seven months without bible bashing, without door-knocking, or standing by a trolley cart looking like a prat.
and i feel the real winners are the " lucky bastards" who haven't been told about jehvover.
furthermore they are spared super pious me telling them what they can and can't do.
I am seven months without bible bashing, without door-knocking, or standing by a trolley cart looking like a prat. And I feel the real winners are the " lucky bastards" who haven't had me telling them about Jehvover. Furthermore they are spared super pious me telling them what they can and can't do. Who am I to tell a perfect stranger he must shave his beard, study with me, not commit audultry, nor covet his neighbors wife?
Also in the last seven months I have been spared making a total prat of myself explaining to educated people, how Adam and Eve had all these children of different color skin, or trying to justify why a loving God allows so much suffering in the world.
Personally I have concluded there are millions of religions, so at best it's a big toss up what one if any is right. However it was certainly presumptuous of me to assume Jehovers Witnesses were the correct religion. Why cant buddisam be the right religion? I can imagine the shock if I was a perfectly good Witness only to die and Buddah laughing all over his face sends me back to earth as a worm.
Anyway I now believe in having a good time, and letting perfect strangers sin and convet their neighbors wife if they wish. It's really none of my business.
The Rebel.
in fact just like the watchtower, i've no idea what they were writing about half the time.
all that rubbish about " i am the walrus" and eleanor rigby keeping her teeth in a jam jar or something, and what "lucy the in the sky with diamonds" means i do not know!
anyway, i mention the above because shortly after i quit meetings, beattle loving brother, ian x also, stopped attending meetings, and i watched him transform himself in to a, scruffy bearded, hippyish, beer drinking slob, ( translation a great guy) .
Barrold Bonds (Q) " w.t.f did someone really have to explain Eleonor Rigby to someone?
The Rebel. To all posters on the thread, ESCAPING the W.T who want to make sense of it, I would google " Elmer Gentry" and you will find your answers. The author is Sinclair Lewis.
The Rebel.